Monday 22 June 2009

Vent one. Of many I sense.

Right well here goes. Not really sure how to start this latest quest but I shall endeavour to make it slightly interesting reading. Even if it's not, I hope it calms me down, and eases the overwhelming urge I have at the moment to go into a supermarket and windmill. I would only aim for those who have a constant scowl on their faces/generally look like heathens and scrotes, those of whom are normally found lurking in the meat aisles, ready to load their ridiculously baggy 'pants' (trousers, to you and I) with animal joints. Oh, these fine upstanding citizens can also usually be found in the coffee aisle and the cleaning products aisle. Upon everyone being too scared to challenge them, you will then find them selling these products on their market stool/boot fair.

I feel I should possibly wait for another blog entry before revealing too much as to why the general populace incense me so. My true colours and all that...

So I'll start of nice and simple.




This is not a difficult concept to grasp - ' the ball has gone over there'

' it's their ball '

' they're questioning the ownership of this ball '

Nor, would I say is the following a difficult concept to grasp -

' Your ball is over there'

' You're getting better at catching the ball'

In the words of Ross from TV programme 'Friends' - " Y-O-U APOSTROPHE - R - E MEANS YOU ARE


It's day one basics really........

I appreciate sometimes maybe when one is in a hurry that you may not care, but I DO and as much of a 'snob' or whatever half-wittish remark you'd like to call me, I CANNOT HELP BUT JUDGE YOU IF YOU USE POOR GRAMMAR.

The odd typo is generally to be expected on this blog as I am generally typing as fast as my sausage digits will allow, and not necessarily spell things incorrectly, but miss a letter off which still creates a word etc.... You see what I mean.

'Poor grammar is not a reason to want to windmill in to a supermarket', I hear you say

You're right. However it is just one example of how our society is 'dumbing down' due to this text culture, lack of reading, lack of discipline and so on.

One of many reasons as to why I have to get this out of my system.



  • LOL - laugh out loud / lots of love

  • ROFL - Roll on the floor laughing

  • LMFAO - Laughing my fucking ass of (please note the swearing, I have noticed, is optional - phew)

  • KMT - Kiss my teeth (seriously, just typing these out is irritating me)

  • WB/TB - Write back/Text back/Tap back (as in, tap on the keyboard apparently - do try to keep up...)

  • TBH - To be honest

  • IMHO - In my honest opinion

  • Soz - sorry

  • ATM - At the moment (also used as 'arse to mouth' - horrendous. In case you are naive like I happily was until learning that, it means... oh dear Lord I cannot type it - Urban dictionary it!!

That's all I can bear to acknowledge at the moment.

I refer to as sometimes it has some highly amusing euphemisms and descriptive words (often offensive and vulgar), and it does 'enlighten' me and open my eyes to just how shallow society has become, whilst sometimes producing a chuckle from my inner immature self.

Sometimes though, do not get me wrong, I do like to partake in some vulgar talk, it helps pass the time when there's no one to people watch or I have a sore head from repeatedly banging on my desk in frustration....

I will continue this later ....

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